Social Proof 101: How to Use Video Reviews to Build Authenticity and Credibility

Social Proof 101: How to Use Video Reviews to Build Authenticity and Credibility
Photo by The Cleveland Museum of Art / Unsplash


For making buying decisions, customers rely heavily on social proof to guide their choices. Social proof is the idea that people follow the actions and opinions of others, especially those they perceive as similar to themselves. In the digital age, social proof often comes as customer reviews and testimonials. In this article, we'll explore how businesses can use video reviews to build authenticity and credibility, as well as how to get 5-star ratings and customer reviews.

What is Social Proof and Why is it Important?

Social proof refers to the psychological phenomenon where people rely on the opinions, actions, and recommendations of others to guide their own behavior. In business, social proof takes the form of customer reviews, ratings, and testimonials. These can be powerful tools for building trust and credibility with potential customers, especially when they come from sources that customers perceive as trustworthy.

There are several types of social proof, including expert opinions, celebrity endorsements, and user-generated content. However, customer reviews and testimonials are among the most influential types of social proof, as we perceived them as authentic and unbiased. By showcasing positive reviews and testimonials from satisfied customers, businesses can establish themselves as credible and trustworthy sources.

How to Get Customer Reviews and 5-Star Ratings

The first step to using customer reviews and ratings for social proof is to actually get customers to leave reviews. While it may motivate some customers to leave a review on their own, others may need some encouragement. Here are some tips for getting customers to leave reviews and ratings:

  1. Make it easy: Provide customers with clear and easy-to-follow instructions for leaving a review. This can include links to your review page, instructions for leaving a review on your website or social media page, or even a QR code that customers can scan to leave a review. 
  2. Ask at the right time: Timing is key when it comes to asking for reviews. You want to ask customers when their experience with your business is fresh in their minds, but not so soon that they haven't had a chance to fully evaluate their experience. A good rule of thumb is to ask for a review within a week of the customer's interaction with your business.
  3. Offer incentives: While you don't want to incentivize customers to leave a positive review (as this can violate guidelines), you can offer incentives for leaving a review in general. For example, you could offer a discount or coupon code for leaving a review, or even enter customers into a prize drawing for leaving a review.

Using Video Testimonials for Social Proof

While written reviews and ratings can be effective, video testimonials take social proof to the next level. Video testimonials allow potential customers to see and hear real people talking about their positive experiences with your business, which can be much more impactful than reading a written review. Here are some tips for using video testimonials for social proof:

  1. Capture high-quality footage: The quality of your video testimonial can have a big impact on how it's perceived by viewers. Make sure you're using a high-quality camera and microphone, and that your lighting and framing are optimal.
  2. Choose the right customers: Not all customers are created equal when it comes to video testimonials. You want to choose customers who are articulate, enthusiastic, and representative of your target audience. It's also helpful to choose customers who have had a particularly positive experience with your business.
  3. Keep it short and sweet: While it can be tempting to let your customers ramble on about their positive experiences, it's important to keep your video testimonials short and to the point. Aim for a length of one to two minutes, and make sure the customer's message is clear and concise. 
  4. Highlight specific benefits: When you're selecting which testimonials to feature on your website or social media pages, choose ones that highlight specific benefits or features of your business. For example, if you're a restaurant, you might feature a testimonial that talks about the quality of your food or the exceptional service they received.

Using Reputation Loops to Boost Reviews

Reputation loops are a powerful tool for businesses looking to build their online reputation and increase the number of positive reviews they receive. A reputation loop is a cycle where positive customer experiences lead to positive reviews, which in turn lead to more customers and even more positive reviews. Here's how to create a reputation loop for your business:

  1. Provide exceptional customer service: The foundation of any good reputation loop is exceptional customer service. When customers have a positive experience with your business, they're much more likely to leave a positive review.
  2. Ask for reviews: As we discussed earlier, it's important to ask customers for reviews at the right time and in the right way. Use the tips we outlined earlier to encourage customers to leave a review.
  3. Respond to reviews: When customers leave reviews, take the time to respond to them, whether they're positive or negative. This shows that you value customer feedback and are committed to improving your business.
  4. Use reviews to attract new customers: Once you have a solid base of positive reviews, use them to attract new customers. Feature them prominently on your website and social media pages, and use them in your marketing materials.


Social proof is a powerful tool for building trust and credibility with potential customers. By using customer reviews, ratings, and testimonials, businesses can establish themselves as credible and trustworthy sources. Video testimonials are an especially effective form of social proof, as they allow potential customers to see and hear real people talking about their positive experiences with your business. By using reputation loops, businesses can create a cycle of positive customer experiences and positive reviews, leading to even more customers and even more positive reviews. By following these tips, your business can use social proof to build authenticity and credibility, and attract more customers in the process.